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Kada je vreme za prvi put?
A što morate oboje znati? Ali dobro razmislite, da li stvarno želite da izgubite nevinost sa nekim kretenom u pocepanom zadnjem sedištu kola, samo da vas ne bi zadirkivali ili želite da to bude malo posebnije? Nevine devojke mogu da ostanu trudne, baš kao i sve druge polno zrele žene. V tretji točki so navedena raziskovalna vprašanja, ki smo si jih izbrali iz ankete o spolnem življenju štundentov iz leta 2005. To je primarna stvar u Univerzumu za sva živa bića….
A pre svega volite ljude koji žive u tim predelima. A grand opening was held on 23 July 2004 under heavy security. In Ramet, Sabrina P. There are three swimming teams in Mostar and those are PK Velež, KVS Orka and APK Zrinjski.
Zauzvrat ja ću se pobrinuti za tebe. Imaš hrabrosti za jaku ženu? Relative winners were HDZ BiH with the greatest number of votes.
Upoznavanje u BiH - My Neighbor, My Enemy: Justice and Community in the Aftermath of Mass Atrocity.
Mostar was named after the bridge keepers mostari who in the medieval times guarded the Old Bridge over the Neretva. The , built by the in the 16th century, is one of Bosnia and Herzegovina's most recognizable landmarks, and is considered one of the most exemplary pieces of Islamic architecture in the. Human settlements on the river Neretva, between the Hum Hill and the , have existed since prehistory, as witnessed by discoveries of fortified enceintes and cemeteries. Evidence of Roman occupation was discovered beneath the present town. As far as medieval Mostar goes, although the Christian basilicas of late antiquity remained in use, few historical sources were preserved and not much is known about this period. The name of Mostar was first mentioned in a document dating from 1474, taking its name from the bridge-keepers mostari ; this refers to the existence of a wooden bridge from the market on the left bank of the river which was used by traders, soldiers, and other travelers. During this time it was also the seat of a district with a regional judge. Since Mostar was on the trade route between the Adriatic and the mineral-rich regions of central Bosnia, the settlement began to spread to the right bank of the river. Prior to the 1474 the names of two towns appear in medieval historical sources, along with their later medieval territories and properties — the towns of Nebojša and Cimski grad. In the early 15th century the county of Večenike covered the site of the present-day Mostar along the right bank of the , including the sites of Zahum, Cim, , Raštani and Vojno. It was at the center of this area, which in 1408 belonged to , that Cim fort was built prior to 1443. Prior to 1444, the Nebojša fort was built on the left bank of the Neretva, which belonged to the late medieval county still known as Večenike or Večerić. In 1468 the region came under rule and the of the settlement began. It was named Köprühisar, meaning fortress at the bridge, at the centre of which was a cluster of 15 houses. Following the unwritten oriental rule, the town was organized into two distinct areas: , the crafts and commercial centre of the settlement, and or a residential area. The town was fortified between the years 1520 and 1566, and the wooden bridge was rebuilt in stone. The stone bridge, the Stari Most , was erected in 1566 on the orders of Sultan. Later becoming the city's symbol, the Old Bridge is one of the most important structures of the Ottoman era and perhaps Bosnia's most recognizable architectural piece, and was designed by Mimar Hayruddin, a student and apprentice of the Ottoman architect. In the late 16th century, Köprühisar was one of the towns of the. The traveler wrote in the 17th century that: the bridge is like a rainbow arch soaring up to the skies, extending from one cliff to the other. I, a poor and miserable slave of Allah, have passed through 16 countries, but I have never seen such a high bridge. It is thrown from rock to rock as high as the sky. People gathered waiting for to arrive in Mostar in 1925 took in 1878 and ruled the country until the in 1918, when it became part of the and then. During this period, Mostar was recognized as the unofficial capital of Herzegovina. The first church in the city of Mostar, a , was built in 1834 during Ottoman rule. In 1881 the town became the seat of the and in 1939, it became a part of the. During Mostar was also an important city in the. The Old Town Street After World War II, Mostar developed a production of plastics, , , , and products. Several Grabovica, Salakovac, Mostar were built in the region to harness the of the Neretva. The city was a major industrial and tourist center and prospered economically during the time of the. After Bosnia and Herzegovina declared independence from Yugoslavia in April 1992, the town was by the JNA , though clashes between the JNA and Croat forces started earlier. The Croats were organized into the HVO and were joined by a sizable number of Bosniaks. The JNA artillery periodically shelled neighbourhoods outside of their control from early April. On 7 June the HV launched an offensive codenamed , the objective of which was to relieve Mostar and break the JNA. The offensive was supported by the HVO that attacked the Army of Republika Srpska VRS positions around Mostar. By 12 June the HVO secured the western part of the city and by 21 June the VRS was completely pushed out from the eastern part. Numerous religious buildings and most of the city's bridges were destroyed or severely damaged during the fighting. Among them were the , the Church and Monastery, the Bishop's Palace and 12 out of 14 mosques. After the VRS was pushed from the city, the and the were demolished. Throughout late 1992, tensions between Croats and Bosniaks increased in Mostar. In early 1993 the escalated and by mid-April 1993 Mostar had become a divided city with the western part dominated by HVO forces and the eastern part where the ARBiH was largely concentrated. Fighting broke out in May when both sides of the city came under intense artillery fire. The city was divided along ethnic lines and both armies soon settled down. Future offensives usually resulted in a stalemate. In November, the bridge was destroyed. The Croat—Bosniak conflict ended with the signing of the in 1994, and the Bosnian War ended with the in 1995. Around 2,000 people died in Mostar during the war. Main article: Mostar has architecturally noteworthy buildings in a wide range of styles. Examples include the Italianate Franciscan church, the Ottoman Muslibegovića house, the Dalmatian and an Orthodox church which was built as gift from the Sultan. The Ottomans used monumental architecture to affirm, extend and consolidate their colonial holdings. Administrators and bureaucrats — many of them indigenous people who converted from Christianity to — founded complexes that generally included schools, soup kitchens or markets. Old Bridge Area of the Old City of Mostar , designed by architect Out of the thirteen original mosques dating from the 16th and 17th centuries, seven have been lost during the 20th century for ideological reasons or by bombardment. One of the two 19th-century Orthodox churches has also disappeared, while the early 20th-century synagogue, after suffering severe damage in the World War II, has been converted into a theatre. Several Ottoman inns also survived, along with other buildings from this period of Mostar's history, such as fountains and schools. The Old Bridge The majority of administrative buildings are from the Austro-Hungarian period and have neoclassical and Secessionist characteristics. A number of surviving late Ottoman houses demonstrate the component features of this form of domestic architecture — upper storey for residential use, hall, paved courtyard, and verandah on one or two storeys. The later 19th-century residential houses are predominantly in neoclassical style. A number of early trading and craft buildings still exist, notably some low shops in wood or stone, stone storehouses, and a group of former tanneries round an open courtyard. Once again, the 19th-century commercial buildings are predominantly neoclassical. A number of elements of the early fortifications are visible. Namely the Hercegusa Tower dating from the medieval period, whereas the Ottoman defence edifices are represented by the Halebinovka and Tara Towers — the watchtowers on the ends of the Old Bridge, and a stretch of the ramparts. City administrators like Mustafa Mujaga Komadina were central players in these transformations, which facilitated growth and linked the eastern and western banks of the city. Noteworthy examples of Austro-Hungarian architecture include the Municipality building, which was designed by the architect Josip Vancas from Sarajevo, Residential districts around the Rondo, and from 1902 designed by. Between 1948 and 1974 the industrial base was expanded with construction of a metal-working factory, cotton textile mills, and an aluminum plant. Local architects favored an austere aesthetic, prefabrication and repetitive modules. Commercial buildings in the functionalist style appeared on the historic eastern side of the city as well, replacing more intimate timber constructions that had survived since Ottoman times. An economically sustainable plan to preserve the old town of Mostar was implemented by the municipality, which drew thousands of tourists from the coast and invigorated the economy of the city. The results of this ten-year project earned Mostar an in 1986. The oldest single arch stone bridge in Mostar, the , was built in 1558 by the Ottoman architect Cejvan Kethoda. It is said that this was to be a test before the major construction of the Stari Most began. The Old Bridge was completed in 1566 and was hailed as one of the greatest architectural achievement in the Ottoman controlled. This single-arch stone bridge is an exact replica of the original bridge that stood for over 400 years and that was designed by Hajrudin, a student of the great Ottoman architect. The Halebija and Tara towers have always housed the guardians of the bridge and during Ottoman times were also used as storehouses for ammunition. The arch is a perfect semicircle 8. The frontage and vault are made of regular stone cubes incorporated into the horizontal layers all along the vault. The space between vault, frontal walls and footpath is filled with cracked stone. The bridge footpath and the approaching roads are paved with cobblestones, as is the case with the main roads in the town. Stone steps enable people to ascend to the bridge either side. During the armed conflict between and in the in the 1990s, the was destroyed by the HVO Croatian Defence Council. Koski Mehmed pasa Mosque. The Cejvan Cehaj Mosque, built in 1552, is the oldest mosque in Mostar. Later a Islamic school was built on the same compound. The Old Bazaar, Kujundziluk is named after the goldsmiths who traditionally created and sold their wares on this street, and still sells authentic paintings and copper or bronze carvings of the Stari Most, pomegranates the natural symbol of Herzegovina or the stećaks medieval tombstones. The Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque, built in 1617 is open to visitors. Visitors may enter the mosque and take photos free of charge. The is also open to the public and is accessible from inside the mosque. Just around the corner from the mosque is the Tepa Market. This has been a busy marketplace since Ottoman times. It now sells mostly fresh produce grown in Herzegovina and, when in season, the figs and pomegranates are extremely popular. Local honey is also a prominent specialty, being produced all around. Reconstruction The Old Bridge undergoing reconstruction in June 2003. Since the end of the wider war in 1995, great progress has been made in the reconstruction of the city of Mostar. The city was under direct monitoring from a envoy, several elections were held and each nation was accommodated with regard to political control over the city. Over 15 million dollars has been spent on restoration. A grand opening was held on 23 July 2004 under heavy security. In parallel with the restoration of the , the and the , with funding provided by the , undertook a five-year-long restoration and rehabilitation effort in historic Mostar. Realizing early on that the reconstruction of the bridge without an in-depth rehabilitation of the surrounding historic neighbourhoods would be devoid of context and meaning, they shaped the programme in such a way as to establish a framework of urban conservation schemes and individual restoration projects that would help regenerate the most significant areas of historic Mostar, and particularly the urban tissue around the Old Bridge. The project also resulted in the establishment of the Stari Grad Agency which has an important role in overseeing the ongoing implementation of the conservation plan, as well as operating and maintaining a series of restored historic buildings including the Old Bridge complex and promoting Mostar as a cultural and tourist destination. The official inauguration of the Stari grad Agency coincided with the opening ceremony of the Bridge. Dani Matice Hrvatske is one of city's significant cultural events and it is commonly sponsored by the and the Government of the. The city is a home of music festival called Mostar Melodies which has been held annually since 1995. Theatre festivals include organized by the and The Mostar Spring organized by the Mostar. Traditional Mostar food is closely related to , Middle Eastern and other Mediterranean cuisines. However, due to years of Austrian rule and influence, there are also many culinary influences from Central Europe. Some of the dishes include , , , , , , , , , and. Local desserts include , , , , , and šampita. Along with Sarajevo, it is the largest financial center in Bosnia-Herzegovina, with two out of three largest banks in the country having their headquarters in Mostar. Bosnia-Herzegovina has three national electric, postal and telecommunication service corporations; one of them in each group has its seat in Mostar electric service corporation '', postal service company and , the third largest telecommunication company in the country. These three companies along with banks and aluminium factory make a vast portion of overall economic activity in the city. There is also an ongoing project for the possible use of wind power and building of windmills. Prior to the 1992—1995 , Mostar relied on other important companies which had been closed, damaged or downsized. They included military aircraft factory , Fabrika duhana Mostar tobacco industry , and Hepok food industry. In 1981 Mostar's GDP per capita was 103% of the Yugoslav average The only company from the former Yugoslavia, which still works well is. Aluminij is one of the country's strongest companies and it has a number of international partners. The company steadily increases its annual production and it collaborates with leading global corporations such as and. Aluminij is one of the most influential companies in the city, region, but also country. In relation to the current manufacturing capacity it generates an annual export of more than 150 million. The partners with which the Aluminij does business are renowned global companies, from which the most important are: Venture Coke Company L. A waitress in traditional costume in the Old City of Mostar Nowadays, the City of Mostar with a total population of 105,797 according to the 2013 census results, consists of the following ethnic groups: 48. The city of Mostar has the largest population of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As in many other cities, its demographic profile was significantly altered after the Bosnian War; in case of Mostar, most of the Serbs left the city. According to the official data of the local elections of 2008, among 6 city election districts, three western ones Croat-majority had 53,917 registered voters, and those three on the east Bosniak-majority had 34,712 voters. In the summer months, occasional temperatures above 40 °C 104 °F are not uncommon, with a record temperature of 46. The coldest month is January, averaging about 5 °C 41 °F , and the warmest month is July, averaging about 26 °C 78 °F. Mostar experiences a relatively dry season from June to September. The remainder of the year is wet and mild. Mostar is the sunniest city in the country with an average of 2291 solar hours a year. Snow is not uncommon but relatively rare and it usually melts within a few hours or days. During the , Mostar experienced unusually cold weather with freezing temperatures lasting for days and a record snow depth of 82. Climate data for Mostar 1961—1990, extremes 1949—present Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high °C °F 18. After the , following the , the villages of , and were separated from Mostar to form the new municipality of East Mostar , in the. Panoramic view of Mostar The City of Mostar has the status of a. The city government is led by the Mayor. The current Mayor of Mostar is. Ashdown abolished the six municipalities that were divided equally among Bosniaks and Croats and replaced them with six electoral units, ridding Mostar of duplicate institutions and costs. In the process Ashdown also reduced the number of elected officials from 194 to 35. According to the constitution the constitutive nations of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs are guaranteed a minimum of four seats and a maximum of 15 seats. This move was opposed by the SDA and the HDZ. In October 2008, there were elections for the city council. Relative winners were HDZ BiH with the greatest number of votes. However, neither party had enough votes to ensure election of the mayor from their party. The city council met 16 times without success. Eventually was involved and High Representative made some minor changes to city's Statute. After that Ljubo Bešlić, running as a candidate of Croatian Democratic Union, was reelected as a mayor. Statute of the City of Mostar In 2011 the constitutional court declared current Statute as unconstitutional, because the numbers of deputies from city districts don't match the number of voters in each district. The City is waiting for the new Statute to be created, and many believe that such a thing will need to be carried by OHR. In November 2011 Roderick W. Moore, the Principal Deputy High Representative, emphasized the importance of the urgent acts towards adoption of the new, constitutional Statute. Seal Mostar has a number of various educational institutions. These include , , , nineteen high-schools and twenty four elementary schools. High-schools include sixteen vocational schools and three gymnasiums. All public schools in Mostar, both elementary and secondary education, are divided between Croat curriculum and Federal unofficially Bosniak curriculum schools. This ethnic division of schools was emplaced during the very first year of the and it continues, with some modifications, to this day. The country's higher education reform and the signing of the have forced both universities to put aside their rivalry to some extent and try to make themselves more competitive on a regional level. The origin of the university can be traced back to the Herzegovina Franciscan Theological School, which was founded in 1895 and closed in 1945, was the first higher education institution in Mostar. Today's University seal shows the building of the Franciscan Monastery. It employs around 250 professors and staff members. As of 2015 school year, the University of Mostar had 10,712 students enrolled at eleven faculties making it the largest university in the city. Cumulatively, it has been attended by more than 40,000 students since the start of the Bologna process of education. One of the most popular sports in Mostar is. The two most successful teams are and. FK Velež won the in and which was one of the most significant accomplishments this club has achieved. Velež is in 2nd division since 2016. Since the each club has generally been supported by a particular ethnic group Velež for the Bosniaks and Zrinjski for the Croats. The matches between the two clubs are some of the country's most intense matches. In , competes at the nation's highest level while the banner also represents the city in the top league. Springtime in Mostar by 1853—1919 In 2011 football club was founded. Another popular sport in Mostar is. There are three swimming teams in Mostar and those are PK Velež, KVS Orka and APK Zrinjski. Best Bosnian swimmer is from Mostar. Mostar has plenty talented swimmers but city only have one 25 meters pool and one 12. Old City of Mostar and the Old Bridge over the Neretva River Mostar is an important tourist destination in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mostar's old town is an important tourist destination with the being its most recognizable feature. Some noteworthy sites include building, the remains of an early Christian at , a Ottoman public bath , clock tower sahat-kula , Synagogue 1889 and Jewish Memorial Cemetery, Nesuh-aga Vučjaković Mosque, Hadži-Kurt Mosque or Tabačica, Metropolitan's Palace 1908 , 1557 , Orthodox Church, Catholic Church and Franciscan Monastery, Ottoman Residences 16th—19th century , Crooked Bridge, Tara and Halebija Towers. The , designed by the architect , is another important symbol of the city. Its sacrosanct quality is derived from the unity of nature water and greenery with the architectural expression of the designer; the monument was inscribed on the list of National Monuments in 2006. The Catholic pilgrimage site of is also nearby as well as the Tekija Dervish Monastery in , 13th-century town of , Stjepan-grad , , seaside town of , Roman villa rustica from the early fourth century , with its necropolis and the remains of an ancient Greek town of. Nearby sites also include the nature park called , archeological site , as well as cave, the largest and most important cave in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Retrieved June 7, 2013. Retrieved June 7, 2013. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. My Neighbor, My Enemy: Justice and Community in the Aftermath of Mass Atrocity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. The bridge, built in 1566, was considered a masterpiece of Islamic architecture and a unique symbol of an undivided city. Retrieved August 12, 2012. Conservation and Revitalization of Historic Mostar. Geneva: The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 2004. The New York Times. The New York Times. Retrieved 29 June 2016. Archived from on 2006-12-06. Retrieved on 16 May 2013. Retrieved on 16 May 2013. Goldstein, Kathrin Merkle Council of Europe. Archived from on 2013-03-30. Atlas svijeta: Novi pogled na Zemlju in Croatian 3rd ed. Zagreb: Sveučilišna naklada Liber. Republički zavod za statistiku Srbija. Retrieved 24 December 2016. Republički zavod za statistiku Srbija. Retrieved 24 December 2016. Republički zavod za statistiku Srbija. Retrieved 24 December 2016. Retrieved 24 December 2016. Archived from on 2015-09-24. Cedar Lake Ventures, Inc. Retrieved 30 April 2014. Meteorological Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Archived from on 7 May 2018. Retrieved 6 May 2018. Meteorological Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Retrieved 14 February 2016. Archived from on 2013-04-01. Archived from on 2013-04-01. Archived from on 2013-07-28. Kallio, Kirsi; Mills, Sarah; Skelton, Tracey, eds. Geographies of Children and Young People. Report on higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina : historical development, present state, and needs assessment. Archived from pdf on 2015-01-20. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Balkan battlegrounds: a military history of the Yugoslav conflict, 1990-1995. Office of Russian and European Analysis. In Ramet, Sabrina P. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Berkeley: University of California Press. New Haven: Yale University Press. New York: Oxford University Press. In Udovički, Jasminka; Ridgeway, James. Durham: Duke University Press. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Bosnian Breakfast in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reconstruction The Old Bridge undergoing reconstruction in June 2003. Želim mlađeg muškarca koji voli dobre grudi i ženu koja voli sve! The origin of the university can be traced back to the Herzegovina Franciscan Theological School, which was founded in 1895 and closed in 1945, was the first higher education institution in Mostar. After the , following the , the villages of , and were separated from Mostar to form the new municipality of East Mostar , in the. Neka Vas oraspolože svojim izvanrednim smislom za humor i neka Vam prenesu svoj optimizam. The Croats were organized into the HVO and were joined by a sizable number of Bosniaks. There are three swimming teams in Mostar and those are PK Velež, KVS Orka and APK Zrinjski. It is also surrounded by stunning landscape waiting to be explored. Dialogue sessions focus on social inclusion and education about universal human rights. There is also an ongoing project for the possible use of wind power and building of windmills. The interior is in keeping with traditional eastern styles, such as Ottoman rugs, white walls and wooden furnishings, with the museum exhibiting items such as books, manuscripts and handmade crafts.
Pripadajuća neto plaća: 1. Prednost imaju osobe sa smera koji je u vezi sa žurnalistikom i komunikologijom. A ova opšta pitanja iz ekonomije.... Dođite do novih mogućnosti za posao; programom prekvalifikacije značajno povećavate šanse za posao, stičete znanja i vještine koje se traže na tržištu.
Prijave s dokazima o ispunjavanju uvjeta natječaja dostaviti poštom na adresu: Visoko učilište Algebra, Zagreb, Ilica 242, s naznakom: »Za natječaj«. Zakona o državnoj službi u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine, kandidati trebaju ispunjavati i slijedeće posebne uslove, utvrđene u Pravilniku o unutrašnjoj organizaciji i to: Za poziciju 01: — VSS-VII stepen ili I 240 ECTS bodova II ili III ciklus Bolonjskog sistema studiranja- visoko obrazovanje tehničke, pravne ili ekonomske struke, — najmanje 3 tri godine radnog staža, nakon sticanja visoke spreme — poznavanje rada na računaru Za poziciju 02: — VSS-VII stepen ili I 180 ECTS bodova II ili III ciklus Bolonjskog sistema studiranja- visoko obrazovanje ekonomske, pravne ili tehničke struke, — najmanje 1 jedna godina radnog staža nakon sticanja visoke spreme — poznavanje rada na računaru Za poziciju 03: — VSS-VII stepen ili I 180 ECTS bodova II ili III ciklus Bolonjskog sistema studiranja- visoko obrazovanje pravne struke — najmanje 1 jedna godina radnog staža nakon sticanja visoke spreme — poznavanje rada na računaru Za poziciju 04: — VSS-VII stepen ili I najmanje 180 ECTS bodova II ili III ciklus Bolonjskog sistema studiranja- visoko obrazovanje prirodne struke — najmanje 1 jedna godina radnog staža nakon sticanja visoke spreme — poznavanje rada na računaru — aktivno znanje engleskog jezika Prijavljivanje na konkurs: a Kandidati koji su evidentirani u Registru državnih službenika Federacije BiH koji vodi Agencija za državnu službu Federacije BiH postojeći državni službenici prijavljuju se na konkurs dostavljanjem uredno popunjenog prijavnog obrasca Agencije može se preuzeti u prostorijama Odjeljenja Agencije za Zeničko-dobojski i Srednjobosanski kanton, Kučukovići broj 2.
Forum Klix.ba - Ja sam prethodnih dana pokušavala da saznam o kakvom tipu testa je riječ i došla sam do raznih informacija između ostalog da se za isti sprema na osnovu one literature koja se koristi pri polaganju državnog ispita. Ukoliko si srećno zaljubljen a u društvene mreže, žudiš za učenjem i razvojem i ne uzmičeš pred izazovima — čitaj dalje.
Razvojni program Ujedinjenih nacija UNDP je UN-ova globalna razvojna mreža, koja zagovara promjene i povezivanje država sa znanjem, iskustvom i resursima kako bi se omogućilo ljudima da izgrade bolji život. Ukoliko ste visoko motivirani, proaktivni, energični, imate entuzijazma, uživate u izazovima i sposobni ste raditi nezavisno u složenim okruženjima, želimo Vas ohrabriti da se prijavite za sljedeće pozicije. Napomena Praksa UNDP-a je da ne naplaćuje nikakve provizije za prijave, intervjue, sastanke, putovanje, obradu ili obuku u bilo kojoj fazi procesa zapošljavanja. Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja vezanih za oglase za posao koje ste možda primili, molimo Vas da odgovore potražite na ovoj web stranici. UNDP je svjestan fiktivnih oglasa za posao koji cirkuliraju internetom, a čija je svrha da uvjere ljude da se prijave za obuku i uplate novac za obuku. Ukoliko smatrate da ste primili takvu obavijest, molimo da nam je proslijedite, kao i sve druge povezane informacije koje ste primili, na e-mail adresu scamalert undp. Pošto logotipi, znakovi, imena i adrese lako mogu biti kopirani ili umnoženi, savjetujemo Vam da obratite posebnu pažnju kod prijavljivanja za posao, uključujući poduzimanje svih odgovarajućih mjera kako biste se zaštitili od neovlaštene upotrebe bilo koje lične informacije koju ste s nekim možda podijelili kao rezultat prevare. Ako ste pogreškom dali vaše lične podatke nekome za koga sumnjate da je prevarant, molimo vas da to prijavite lokalnim vlastima za sprovođenje zakona ili, ako se jedno ili dva lica nalaze u Sjedinjenim Državama, prijavite Internet centru za žalbe na kriminal Internet Crime Complaint Center za odgovarajuće korake. RURALNI RAZVOJ U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI: MIT I STVARNOST Kakav je društveni razvoj u ruralnim područjima Bosne i Hercegovine? Gdje većina tih ljudi živi? Da li imaju poslove i pristojna primanja? Da li imaju odgovarajući pristup zdravstvenoj zaštiti i obrazovanju? Kako im je razvijena saobraćajna infrastruktura? Kakav imaju pristup uslugama i telekomunikaciji? Da li su uključeni u društveni i politički život? Koliko je poljoprivreda važna u ruralnom životu? Ovo su pitanja na koja ovaj osmi Izvještaj o društvenom razvoju pokušava odgovoriti.
Promovisana nova klasa policijskih pripravnika
Opis poslova: realizuje i prati pojedinačne investicione projekte, prati propise iz djelokruga rada Odsjeka, prati realizaciju Strategije razvoja općine Visoko, podnosi izvještaj o završenoj investiciji, samostalno radi na stručno — operativnim poslovima izrade studijsko — analitičkih poslova razvoja općine i mogućnostima investicionih ulaganja, vrši izradu pojedinačnih analiza o stanju, problemima i mogućnostima obnove i razvoja i predlaže mjere za njihovo unapređenje, vrši stručnu pripremu i obradu za finansiranje projekata od strane viših organa, banaka i međunarodnih institucija, učestvuje u pripremi projektnih zadataka i predmjera u vezi sa izgradnjom infrastrukturnih i drugih objekata, koordinira nad izvođenjem radova, u saradnji sa šefom Odsjeka priprema projekte i ostalu prateću dokumentaciju za apliciranje za više nivoe vlasti, organizuje i vodi aktivnosti apliciranja za grantove i fondove domaćih i međunarodnih vladinih i nevladinih organizacija, prati i istražuje mogućnosti za prikupljanje sredstava potrebnih za razvojne programe i projekte, u pripremi za aplikacije koordinira sa ostalim službama, obavlja i druge poslove po nalogu pretpostavljenog, a u skladu sa stručnom spremom i prirodom radnog mjesta i odgovoran je šefu Odsjeka. Opis poslova: prati , proučava stanja i pojave u oblasti poljoprivrede na osnovu prikupljenih podataka, obrađuje ih i predlaže mjere, prati propise iz djelokruga rada Odsjeka, rješava jednostavnije upravne stvari koje se odnose na izdavanje poljoprivrednih dozvola i saglasnosti iz nadležnosti općine, vodi postupak radi utvrđivanja činjenica o kojima se ne vodi službena evidencija i izdaje uvjerenja o tim činjenicama, kao i uvjerenja o kojima se vodi službena evidencija iz oblasti poljoprivrede, učestvuje u predlaganju Programa poticajnih mjera u oblasti poljoprivrede iz predviđenih sredstava općine za poticaje u poljoprivredi, vodi statističke evidencije iz oblasti poljoprivrede, a koje su u nadležnosti lokalne zajednice, obavlja i druge poslove po nalogu pretpostavljenog, a u skladu sa stručnom spremom i prirodom radnog mjesta i odgovoran je šefu Odsjeka Uslovi: Pored opštih uslova predviđenih članom 25. Napomena Praksa UNDP-a je da ne naplaćuje nikakve provizije za prijave, intervjue, sastanke, putovanje, obradu ili obuku u bilo kojoj fazi procesa zapošljavanja. Međutim, pošto mi je to bilo nelogično ja sam nazvala VSTV, tj. Opis poslova: priprema projekte i izrađuje aplikacije za više nivoe vlasti, organizuje i vodi aktivnosti apliciranja za grantove i fondove domaćih i međunarodnih vladinih i nevladinih organizacija, prati i istražuje mogućnosti za prikupljanje sredstava potrebnih za razvojne programe i projekte, daje podršku mjesnim zajednicama u pripremi aplikacija za veće novoe, priprema izvještaje o realizovanim projektima i pravda odobrena sredstva po osnovu aplikacija, priprema naloge za plaćanje nadležnom Odsjeku za finansije, prati Strategiju razvoja općine Visoko, prati propise iz djelokruga rada Odsjeka, obavlja i druge poslove po nalogu pretpostavljenog, a u skladu sa stručnom spremom i prirodom radnog mjesta i odgovoran je šefu Odsjeka. CBBiH i tamo ces naci potrebni materijal Također je vrlo korisno da nabubas Javne nabavke.... Nailazili smo na konkurse iz Federacije koji su objavljeni na ćirilici u drugom entitetu, zaključit ćete i sami zbog čega. Međutim, pošto mi je to bilo nelogično ja sam nazvala VSTV, tj. Uslov je i sertifikat za pristup i korišćenje podataka i dokumenata sa oznakom stepena tajnosti, državljanstvo Srbije, da mu ranije nije prestajao radni odnos u državnom organu zbog teže povrede radne dužnosti i da nije osuđivan na kaznu zatvora od najmanje šest meseci.
Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.